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Version: Latest Version (2.9.1)

highbond_asset_record_type (Resource)



is_rootBoolean Whether or not this is a root asset record type
nameString The name of the asset record type


admin_notesString Administrator's notes on the asset record type
descriptionString The description of the asset record type
display_nameString The name that will be displayed for this asset record type
force_updatesBoolean Allows overriding top-level 'create_only' option.
idString The ID of this resource.
workflow_idString The UUID of the Workflow that will manage the state for records created using this asset record type


created_atString The date the asset record type was created
created_byString The user ID of the user who created this asset record type
is_archivedBoolean Whether or not this asset record type is archived
org_idString The ID of the organization that this asset record type belongs to
permitted_parentsList of Object Array containing the parents that are permitted in parent-child relationship configurations with this asset record type
Nested Schema for `permitted_parents`


symbolic_nameString The symbolic name for this asset record type
updated_atString The date the asset record type was updated
updated_byString The user ID of the user who updated this asset record type

Example Usage

resource "highbond_asset_record_type" "main" {
name = "Incident"
description = "An event that occurred and must be recorded in the system."
display_name = "Incident"
admin_notes = "Used to track incidents related to third party vendors and other asset types."
workflow_id = //"6aa38d71-bc7d-4f48-ae0b-504c9ebfd119"
is_root = true
force_updates = true // Create only with force update changes