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Version: Latest Version (2.9.1)

highbond_record_type_section (Resource)



record_type_idString The ID of the asset record type
sectionBlock List, Min: 1 Sections are groupings of attribute types that display together in the UI. A user can be granted permissions to work with a section. The entire sections array is updated at once. If a section is not included with the rest of the update, it will be deleted
Nested Schema for `section`


idNumber The ID of the section
nameString The name of the section. This value is unique for each section


attribute_type_idsList of String List of the ID of the attribute type


force_updatesBoolean Allows overriding top-level 'create_only' option.
idString The ID of this resource.

Example Usage

// For a record type, only one highbond_record_type_section can be created 
resource "highbond_record_type_section" "main" {
record_type_id =
force_updates = true // Create only with force update changes

section {
id = 1
name = "Section - 1"
attribute_type_ids = []
section {
id = 2
name = "Section - 2"
attribute_type_ids = [,]